Norfolk Chronicle

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Excerpts from “THE NORFOLK CHRONICLE” (Norwich Library Archive)

8th February, 1783 ; Last week some villains broke into the house of Mrs Hambling at Alburgh, near Harleston, in this county and during the absence of the family, who were in this city, stripped it of every moveable, took the hangings from the bed-steads, and even the meat out of the pickle cases ; it is supposed they also regaled themselves with wine, having left several empty bottles behind them. The marks of the feet of horses being seen in the orchard by a neighbour, was what first led to a discovery of the burglary.

25th February, 1783 : On Tuesday last was committed to the castle by John Kerrick Esq : Abraham Carman, of Laxfield and Henry Cabell, of Mendham, both in the county of Suffolk, charged with breaking into the dwelling house of Mrs Abigail Hambling, of Aldborough as mentioned in our paper of the 8th Ult., and stealing thereout several feather beds and divers other articles In Carman’s home was found a sheep and several sheepskins. Two of this gang fled immediately; but by the vigilance of the constables, Henry Cabell, son of the above, was apprehended on Thursday at Yoxford, and committed by the above Magistrate to the castle; the other made his escape.

4th March, 1783 : On Friday next the assizes of the county will begin at Thetford, where twenty-three prisoners are to take their trials, twelve of whom are for capital offences.

18th March, 1783 : On Tuesday last the assizes for this county, before Baron Eyre, ended at Thetford ... at the above assizes, Abraham Carman and Henry Cabel, sen., for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Abigail Hambling at Alburg, received sentence of death, and ordered for excecution...and Henry Cabel, jun....received sentence of death, but afterwards reprieved...the prisoners who were convicted...returned thanks to the grand jury for half-a-guinea, which they received by their governor.

24th March, 1782 : Next Saturday will be executed on the Castle Hill, pursuant to their sentence Abraham Carman and Henry Cabell.

April 8th, 1783 : On Saturday last Carman and Cabele were executed on the Castle Hilll, purusant to their sentence.

18th November, 1783 : Friday last was committed to the Castle by Robert Harvey, Esq, Susannah Holmes, charged...with having, in the night of the 13th inst., pair of sheets, a linen gown, a shift, four yards of Irish cloth, four handkerchieves, three neck-cloths, two black silk cloaks, two silver teaspoons and two large silver spoons...which she has confessed.

March 23rd, 1783 : On Monday last the assizes for this county, before Mr. Justice Nares, ended at the above assizes five prisoners were capitally convicted, viz...Susannah Holmes, for privately stealing in the night...sundry articles of wearing apparel...Susannah Holmes (and others) ... were reprieved before the Judge left the town.

31st October,1786 : Elisabeth Pulley, Susannah Holmes and Ann Turner (under sentence of transportation) were taken from our castle to Plymouth on Monday lst and put on board the Dunkirk for the new settlement in Botany Bay.

9th November, 1786 : Wednesday the keeper of the Castle received a letter from Lord Sydney, signifying his majesty’s pleasure that Henry Cabell the younger, a convict who received sentence of death at Thetford assizes in 1783, and afterwards reprieved, should be immediately removed to Plymouth and put on board the Dunkirk bound for Botany Bay; he was sent off accordingly.

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